David Jung

My interest in paint stemmed from primary school when I loved drawings and I vividly remember the head master taking our class in the absence of our teacher and he taught us the fundamentals of drawing a portrait that has stuck with me ever since.

High school art was under the tutorage of the renowned Hawkes bay artist Geoff Fuller. I wanted to take the subject further but economic climate suggested I would make a better living in other areas. Hence I became a Civil Engineer. But my passion for the arts was never far away and I took up Night class lessons on anatomy with Michael Blow. It was Michael that taught me to see what I was drawing. My passion was ignited and working after hours I compiled works for a number of exhibitions with another budding HB artist Gary Waldron. Gary went on to great heights in the arts world and I went off to Industrial design school to combine design and engineering skills. It was here I learnt that drawing is just another form of communication where ideas and thoughts are translated to a visual form

Art dropped into the background as projects like the Americas Cup Village development took precedence. Then on a 2 yr contract in Sydney I missed my granddaughter so much I decided to paint a large portrait of her so that she greeted me every time I came home to the apartment. Everyone who saw the painting loved it so I picked up the brushes again culminating making the finals of the 2011 Adams Portrait awards

A number of subsequent paintings have been sold into offices where I've been working - but the opportunity offered by Red Peach gallery, will be the first time I've taken time out to mount a solo exhibition I look forward to seeing the end result and the public's reaction

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